Individual psychotherapy
In my practice I offer individual psychotherapy on a deep psychological and psychodynamic basis. Individual therapy takes place once a week online or in my private practice. Depending on the concerns and complaints, treatment can last from several months to two and a half years.
Deep psychology is a psychodynamic approach that focuses on understanding the origin, maintenance, and resolution of psychological suffering. It seeks to investigate the cause of a symptom by understanding individual life and relationship experiences. This understanding can lead to improved psychological complaints and a more conscious lifestyle.
The focus of therapeutic work is on building a trusting working relationship that provides a secure framework for sensitive processes. The reason to start psychotherapy is usually a profound disturbance of one's being-in-the-world, including relationship disorders such as fear, depression, addiction, or burn-out. In a deep psychological approach, painful relationship patterns, such as fears, wishes, or conflicts, manifest in the relationship with the therapist. By activating these patterns in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship, it is possible to consciously perceive them and understand the dynamic. This allows for more freedom in relating to them and the ability to supplement or replace them with new alternative patterns that are more conducive to one's well-being in the present.
Typical reasons for starting deep psychological therapy include self-esteem disorders, transitions, depression, anxiety, finding purpose, personality disorders, borderline disorders, burn-out, compulsions, sexual and psychosomatic disorders, and life crises. The therapeutic approach is based on the experience that effective and individualized therapy is only possible with multiple perspectives from both theory and experience. It is essential to think outside the box of one's therapeutic procedure or school, as basic assumptions can get entangled in long-term dysfunctional relationships. Effective therapy always takes place in the here-and-now.